Alejandro Caceres
Deputy Secretary General of Marketing and Communications
Hello everyone!
Hello everyone! My name is Alejandro Caceres and I am very excited to be the DSG for MarkComm in PANAMUN XXXII and work alongside my fellow DSGs. Currently, I am a senior in ISP and I have been part of the ISP community since 7th grade. I was born in Venezuela But this will be my 16th year living in Panama so I consider myself Panamanian.
My first PANAMUN came when I was in ninth grade and I loved it. I loved having a voice to discuss a global issue and working alongside other countries to have a stance on the issue and defend it. I also enjoyed challenging other resolutions which I did not disagree with. This excitement for debating carried on to the next year where I also pushed myself to be the best delegate possible in the CDN committee in which I represented the US. After two successful years, I wanted to try something different for PANAMUN and ended up in echo press writing articles. There, I discovered that PANAMUN is way more than just debating and that opened the door for me to see many opportunities to enjoy PANAMUN differently and work to build PANAMUN itself. Thanks to that risk I took I now find myself as one of the leaders for PANAMUN XXXII.
I am beyond excited to work alongside my fellow DSGs and lead the markom and echopress team to be able to organize the best PANAMUN possible, see you all there!