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Maia Seleme

Secretary General

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Hello everybody! 


My name is Maia Seleme and I am incredibly honored to be Secretary General for PANAMUN XXXII. I am currently a senior at the International School of Panama, yet I am originally from Argentina and Bolivia. 


For me, MUN started in 9th grade as a delegate in the Human Rights Committee. Since then, I have had the privilege of attending multiple conferences all over the world. From Uruguay to The Netherlands, every conference has been enlightening, and the people I have met, unforgettably remarkable. PANAMUN is a conference that is incredibly crucial for me. Taking upon the role of delegate, approval panel, and DSG of External Affairs in PANAMUN XXXI, have been all amazing and enriching experiences. 


I am incredibly grateful to have had such an amazing team this year! Every single one of the DSG’s is nothing short of outstanding, and I can assure you that this PANAMUN conference will be like no other. 


I am incredibly excited to see all of you in October!

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