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Rising from Adversity: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

“Rising from Adversity: Turning Challenges into Opportunities” serves as the encapsulation of this year’s powerful PANAMUN conference. This resembles not only the essence of resilience, innovation, and collaboration by delegates, but also the perseverance of PANAMUN in the previous conference, PANAMUN XXXI. 

In 2023, Panama, our host country, faced a significant social, political and enviormental crisis due to the fast tracking of the approval of a concesion to exploit the largest copper mine in Central America. While the people rose together against this operation, to fight for our country and our ecosystems,  consequences surfaced as blockades, curfews, and movement limitations were established. Ultimately leading to the PANAMUN XXXI conference transferring to an online format, to ensure the safety and commodity of all participants. 

The PANAMUN XXXI Secretariat were faced with an impending challenge, where months of work felt meritless, and little optimism surrounded the PANAMUN team. Inevitably, the proposal of canceling PANAMUN XXXI as a whole arose, and quickly, the Secretariat fought to make the conference powerful and functional. Having less than 48 hours to orchestrate it, the PANAMUN team efficiently turned the daring challenges faced, into the successful 31st PANAMUN conference. 

The theme “Rising from Adversity: Turning Challenges into Opportunities” is a direct inspiration from such events in which we choose to ascend upon deterrent events, allowing ourselves to transcend barriers. The theme honors the youth that is continuously fighting adversities, inspired by change, searching and crafting innovative solutions to those challenges we are constantly facing. 

PANAMUN XXXII serves as a tribute to those who motivate these efforts to strengthen our tomorrow, taking all the obstacles we face and turning them into hopes and solutions. PANAMUN inspires our future leaders, those who will be first to rise from adversity, and turn challenges into opportunities.

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